It’s Your Time to SMILE-Achieve A More Confident Smile through Cosmetic Dentistry in Chesapeake, VA

Dentist in ChesapeakeIn today's society, there are many ways to improve your physical appearance.  Studies show that improving your smile may be the most impactful. A confident, healthy, attractive smile can enhance your overall well-being and positively affect your personal and professional life. Fortunately, Chesapeake and Virginia Beach, VA residents have numerous options to achieve their perfect smile. From Professional Teeth Whitening to Dental Implants, there are a wide range of Cosmetic Dental options available. In this blog post, we will discuss Cosmetic Dentistry in Chesapeake and Virginia Beach, VA, the benefits of Cosmetic Dentistry, and the most common and sought after Cosmetic Dental procedures.

Cosmetic Dental Bonding:

Cosmetic Resin Dental Bonding is a conservative, Cosmetic Dental treatment that is a cost-effective alternative to a comprehensive Smile Makeover.  In this procedure, a tooth-colored composite resin is bonded to your tooth and carefully sculpted into shape based on your 3-D Smile Design.  Composite Bonding can cover and mask flaws like discoloration, chips, stains, and gaps between your teeth. This Cosmetic Dental option can be completed in a single office visit, and your Composite Bonding can last many years.

Invisalign® SPECIAL EVENT at the best dentist in 23322Professional Teeth Whitening: A bright, white smile is a hallmark of a healthy mouth and a confident personality. Professional Teeth Whitening aims to improve the look of your smile by removing years of discoloration and surface stains caused by beverages like coffee, wine, or tea. Professional Teeth Whitening is more effective than over-the-counter whitening and provides faster and more consistent results.

Porcelain Veneers: Porcelain Veneers are durable, thin, custom designed porcelain restorations placed on the front of your teeth, transforming their size, shape, and color. Porcelain Veneers can hide crooked, misshapen, or stained teeth while looking and feeling natural. Porcelain Veneers are a custom-designed solution that will provide you with an enhanced smile and appearance.

Dental Implants: Dental implants are an innovative, long-term solution to replace damaged or missing teeth. The Dental Implant replaces the root of your original tooth, which supports a new, Porcelain crown designed to match your natural teeth. Dental Implants requires minimal office visits and generally take four to six months to complete. In the end, Dental Implants create a perfect and natural-looking smile.

Invisalign: Invisalign is an excellent solution to straighten teeth without braces. Invisalign clear aligners are smooth, comfortable, and barely visible. With clear, personalized aligners, your teeth can move into their final position discreetly without sacrificing your style. Treatment from Invisalign typically takes less time than traditional braces, making this an ideal treatment option.

Thanks to developments in Cosmetic Dentistry, you have a range of choices to achieve your perfect smile. Whether it is a minor flaw or correcting a more significant issue, the benefits, and improved confidence of achieving a healthy, attractive smile can be life-changing. If you are looking to enhance your smile in Chesapeake or Virginia Beach, VA, or throughout Hampton Roads, we can provide you with comprehensive Dental Care, including Cosmetic Dentistry, to help you attain a smile that you will be proud to share! Contact us today!