Your Smile is SO BRIGHT; I have to wear Shades!

Cosmetic Dentist in Chesapeake, VA

TASPoUjg3OkQ2YBH_2_iKrwllO6ILuUCwcSMioG2Kz7lTgVI7abKMloikMB53VjbCWl9B5PsHbWNa2lUMasJ2wOa9oYFTH3TQsw7b4cLrZjWoInpY4nRguqPWRJCsPzXJhAWZ2kTOK8fNz08=s0-d-e1-ftDo you feel like your smile has dimmed over the years? Do you brush and floss daily and wonder why your healthy teeth no longer sparkle like they used to? You’re not alone. According to the American Dental Association, a vast majority of patients request tooth whitening to improve their smiles.

There are a number of factors that contribute to the darkening and yellowing of teeth. Aging tends to discolor teeth over time as the enamel thins and more of the yellowish dentin layer beneath shows through. Food and drink and tobacco can stain teeth over time, causing patches of discoloration particularly on front teeth. Some medications can cause darkening and discoloration as a side effect. Additionally, trauma to the mouth and teeth can cause a thickening of the dentin layer, which creates a yellower appearance to the affected teeth.

What can you do to get your youthful smile back? In-Office Whitening provides the most significant results in the shortest period of time. Often requiring only one visit for dramatic results, Dr. Brown can utilize a more powerful whitening agent than in-home products, while still providing one of the safest forms of whitening available.

We also offer Professional take-home Whitening kits with an easy-to-use whitening gel if you prefer to whiten in the convenience of your own home. This method is gradual and generally takes a few weeks for optimal results, and is a safe and effective option for brightening your smile.

When used following Dr. Brown‘s instructions, both methods are very safe and only a low percentage of patients will have a minor side effect of temporary tooth sensitivity.

Contact us at The Center for Cosmetic & Restorative Dentistry and let us know you’re interested in a teeth-whitening consultation. Dr. Brown and her team will be happy to help you decide which option is right for you.